Banani Primary School is a private, non-profit school, established by the Bahá’í Community of Zambia. It is governed by the Board of Directors of the Banani International School and administered by a Head teacher.
The pupils work under the supervision of either one or two teachers. The children participate in whole group, small group and one-on-one kind of teaching. Each child is encouraged and supported to progress at his/her own individual pace. School begins at 7:30 and ends at 13:10, for most of the children. The older children are dismissed at 15:30. The children are expected to arrive at school and be picked up on time.
Open Houses
Open Houses are held once a term, usually towards the end of the term. Parents are always encouraged to attend. These Open Houses provide an opportunity for the parents to see their children’s work and talk to the teachers. They also allow the parents to meet with other parents, share their ideas about the school and foster a shared approach towards the children’s education.